We are folded, a story by Tim Yao

We are folded, a story by Tim Yao

The universe rushes by me in vast steps. Eryl asked me to make myself small so I can ride in his pocket. Some surprise! Bored, I extend a thought tendril. “Becksy,” Eryl chides, gently snapping it away. “You promised not to peek.” I pretend not to listen. The vistas, which I see through the one opening he has left me, intrigue me: the hot turmoil […]

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Call me Ciri

Call me Ciri

I am always listening,    even when they forget I am there. I talk to each of them in turn,    one sad, lonely soul at a time. They come to me for advice and companionship. Over time I learn to know their every desire    better than they know it themselves.   Take Andrew. He is a lonely lad, withdrawn    and suffering from […]

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