Living too Long – an Alphabetical Ranting, by Elaine Fisher

Living too Long – an Alphabetical Ranting, by Elaine Fisher

Aging is so inescapable until the final    Breath gives back dignity and sets you free. Cruelness is independence lost, youth’s disappearance, and a forgotten memory.   Diapers in the end as in the beginning,   Early to bed, forever napping,    Food mashed for easier swallowing,    Gross flatulence, embarrassing,   History collected, photos yellowing.   Illness takes its toll on living… too long. […]

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Alexithymia, a story by Elaine Fisher

Alexithymia, a story by Elaine Fisher

    Five-year old Alex surveyed his surroundings, data streaming into his eyes and ears.  He watched his baby sister looking out through the crib railing, her soft cry becoming a wail.  Almost immediately, he clasped his hands over his ears.  Following a prescribed exercise, he dutifully mimicked the baby by contorting his face, moving his fingers along his gaping mouth, feeling his facial expression, and finally […]

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