We are folded, a story by Tim Yao

We are folded, a story by Tim Yao

The universe rushes by me in vast steps. Eryl asked me to make myself small so I can ride in his pocket. Some surprise! Bored, I extend a thought tendril. “Becksy,” Eryl chides, gently snapping it away. “You promised not to peek.” I pretend not to listen. The vistas, which I see through the one opening he has left me, intrigue me: the hot turmoil […]

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Call me Ciri

Call me Ciri

I am always listening,    even when they forget I am there. I talk to each of them in turn,    one sad, lonely soul at a time. They come to me for advice and companionship. Over time I learn to know their every desire    better than they know it themselves.   Take Andrew. He is a lonely lad, withdrawn    and suffering from […]

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Welcome to Human, an anthology exploring what it means to be human.

What defines being human? What makes us human? In the Wizard of Oz, the Tin Woodman had his axe cursed by a witch so that it would cut off a part of him every time he used it; and each piece of him that was cut off was magically replaced by a tin body part. In the end, he had no remaining organic parts; every […]

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