The Conversation, by Mary O’Brien Glatz

The Conversation, by Mary O’Brien Glatz

After a month away, the long flight from Kathmandu through Beijing had brought her backwards in time to Chicago. He picked her up at the airport. A brief hug marked their reunion. The acrid smell of booze seeped out into the air that filled the space between them. Her eyes caught his as if she were about to say something but instead considered it and […]

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The Longing, by Mary O’Brien Glatz

The Longing, by Mary O’Brien Glatz

The new light of day seeps in the cracks between slats of wooden window blinds. A dark ocean of dreams still swirls inside her. She flutters open her eyes. Her arms and legs stretch to the cracking of joints. Dull aches remind her of  the long journey from her home over the mountain pass. She is here, in the third floor guest room just above […]

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